ESBN Asia-Pacific Green Deal for Businesses on ESGpedia

Digitalised and simplified ESG self-assessment for corporates and SMEs to easily kickstart your sustainability journey. Attain your Green, Silver, or Gold ESBN Asia-Pacific Green Deal Badge for greater recognition and visibility of your business’ sustainability efforts amongst potential customers, investors, and financiers.

Have more questions? Browse our FAQs here.

What is the ESBN Asia-Pacific Green Deal for Businesses?

To advocate for business leadership in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and to maintain the competitiveness of Asia’s supply chains amidst mounting pressures from regulators globally, the ESCAP Sustainable Business Network (ESBN) has partnered with ESGpedia to launch the ESBN Asia-Pacific Green Deal for Businesses Program, on ESGpedia.

The digitalised and simplified self-assessment tool is designed to lower the barriers to entry for corporates and SMEs to kickstart their sustainability journey and report metrics that are aligned with stakeholders’ needs for consistent, comparable, and shareable data.

Through the self-assessment and badge awarded, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to sustainability to customers, investors, and financiers, and strengthen their competitive edge across Asia.

The ESBN Asia-Pacific Green Deal covers 5 key pillars:

Pillar 1: Green Energy

Pillar 2: Infrastructure

Pillar 3: Finance

Pillar 4: Innovation

Pillar 5: Circular Economy

Simply complete Pillar 1 and Pillar 2 to be eligible for the Silver ESBN Green Deal badge

Badge Achievers

Channel Partners

ESBN Asia-Pacific Green Deal
Badge Achievers

Join the ranks of SMEs and businesses on their sustainability journey today by signing up for the ESBN Green Deal digital assessment. Leverage ESG metrics and future-proof your business.

How can you be a part of it?

Overcome resource challenge and kickstart sustainability journey easily

Adopt the self-assessment as a form of an easy and guided program towards sustainability

Manage supply chain sustainability

Advocate suppliers to adopt the self-assessment to ensure greenness of your supply chain

Easier & more consistent assessment of sustainable finance eligibility

Encourage SME clients to adopt the self-assessment to increase their opportunities for sustainable financing

Strengthen competitive edge and attractiveness to investors and customers

Complete the self-assessment to attain the ESBN Green Deal badge for your business

Benefits for Businesses

From ensuring future-readiness, empowering corporate champions, to enabling the APAC region to scale its sustainable development goals, the ESBN Asia-Pacific Green Deal helps businesses kickstart on sustainability reporting and chart a clear path to Net Zero.

Future-proof and be better positioned to leverage on ESG opportunities to drive greater growth, value, and profitability

Strengthens competitiveness in foreign markets with growing emphasis on sustainability in buisiness

Greater visibility on sustainability performance of suppliers, and thus Scope 3 emissions

Greater insights into measurement and improvement of your suppliers’ sustainability performances

A clear transition pathway towards Net Zero for all stakeholders, with increased capacity and support for businesses to be better equipped with digital tools

Gain exclusive benefits from ESGpedia’s network of users including banks and corporates across various sectors

Step-by-step tutorial guide to complete the self-assessment & attain your ESBN Green Deal Badge

Assisted inputs for digital corporate self-assessment
Guided explanatory notes enable businesses to easily navigate the self-assessment & obtain relevant data
Low barrier to entry to attain the first tier of the ESBN Green Deal Badge by simply signing up and declaring support
Calculate your carbon emissions with in-built emission conversion factors, localised to different countries
Showcase your sustainability commitment and amplify it to ESGpedia’s network of users, which potentially includes your customers, investors, and financiers
Progress bar to indicate percentage of completion

Get recognised through the ESBN Green Deal Badges

Available in Green, Silver, and Gold, the ESBN Asia-Pacific Green Deal badges are awarded to recognise corporates and SMEs for their various levels of sustainability commitment and performance. They serve to incentivise businesses to continually improve and deliver more sustainable change.

All applications will be evaluated by ESBN, with more exclusive benefits to be rolled out for Silver and Gold tier soon.

Simply sign up and declare your support for the ESBN Asia-Pacific Green Deal​

Showcase 1 year of submission data

Showcase 2 years of submission data and demonstrate improvement in the latest year​

Frequently asked questions

What is the ESBN Asia-Pacific Green Deal for Businesses?
It is an initiative by ESCAP Sustainable Business Network (ESBN) that advocates for business leadership in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Find out more on the ESCAP website here. To promote sustainability in Asia-Pacific, the digital corporate self-assessment was launched to lower the barrier of entry for businesses, covering 5 key business actions/ pillars. Upon completion of the assessment, businesses will be evaluated by ESBN and get awarded with a Green, Silver, or Gold, badge to showcase their sustainability efforts.
Who should fill out the digital assessment? 
Any business, corporate, or SME that is keen on pursuing sustainability, is welcome to fill out and demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and strengthen their competitive edge across the region.
What are the terms and conditions to use the service?

The ESBN self-assessment tool is available as part of the ESGpedia Starter Tool. Companies can sign up for an account and register at any point of time. Submission of data via the ESBN self-assessment tool and award of badges are at no additional cost.


Upon registration to be a part of the ESBN Asia-Pacific Green Deal, your organisation will also have an ESG profile automatically created on ESGpedia, allowing you to consolidate all your ESG efforts onto a one-stop platform for key stakeholders.

What are the requirements to obtain the ESBN Green Deal badge?

To obtain the Green Badge, companies simply need to sign up on, register their details and pledge their commitment to the ESBN Asia-Pacific Green Deal.

To obtain the Silver Badge, companies are required to provide at least 1 year’s worth of data for the self-assessment and upload the relevant supporting documents.

To obtain the Gold Badge, companies are required to fill up at least 2 years’ worth of data, with the relevant supporting documents uploaded, and exhibit a year-on-year improvement in emission intensity of at least 1.5%.

You can refer to for more information.

How long will ESBN take to award the badge?
The ESBN Asia-Pacific Green Deal committee will take up to 1 month to review and award the badge on the company’s ESGpedia profile. 
What can the ESBN Green Deal badges be used for?
The badges serve as a recognition of your company’s commitment and efforts towards sustainability. Upon being awarded a badge, your company will be featured on our website under the list of badge achievers. Your profile on ESGpedia would also be updated with the relevant badges, which will be visible to users of ESGpedia – including corporates, financial institutions, asset managers, insurance companies, who may potentially be your clients, financiers or investors. Lastly, you would also be able to further amplify your brand by showcasing your badge achievements in your marketing materials. All these goes towards increasing visibility of your sustainability efforts amongst your key stakeholders, who may increasingly require their partners, suppliers, clients to showcase evidence of their sustainability efforts, given the rising regulatory pressure globally.
What is the validity period of the ESBN Green Deal Badges?

The Green Badge does not have a validity period as it is contingent on your pledge of commitment to the ESBN Asia-Pacific Green Deal.

The Silver and Gold Badge have validity periods of one year, for the year in which the assessment has been submitted. The company is expected to keep up with its yearly submissions to maintain its Silver or Gold Badge status.

Am I eligible for green financing after filling up the digital assessment?
Completing the ESBN Asia-Pacific Green Deal self-assessment puts you in greater standing for eligibility for green financing products from our ecosystem of Partner banks and financial institutions. Connect with us here to find out more.  
Does the system validate the information entered by users?
The platform has a document upload function where companies are required to provide supporting documents to support their claims. ESBN Asia-Pacific Green Deal committee will conduct basic verification of data inputs based on these supporting documents for the sole purpose of awarding the badges. However, for users who wish to rely on this data for purposes other than the above, you are encouraged to work with our 3rd party verification partners (such as Bureau Veritas, Tuv Sud, BSI, SGS etc.) to obtain an assurance report. This verification process will be conducted in accordance with industry standards, such as the ISO certification, which are commonly recognised by stakeholders across a wide range of industries. This process is on an opt-in basis, where there would be additional costs involved.
How is the verification process conducted (including participating bodies and expected duration)?

The verification process by ESBN Asia-Pacific Green Deal committee would take about 2-3 weeks, before the eventual awarding of the badges. Upon attainment of the badge, companies can expect to receive a congratulatory email where they would be informed of their achievement. This badge would also be reflected in their ESGpedia profile.


For companies who wish to tap on 3rd party verification partners to obtain assurance in accordance with industry standards, you may tap on our ecosystem of partners who would be able to provide preferential rates to users coming through the ESBN Asia-Pacific Green Deal Program.

ESGpedia facilitates a digital audit workflow to be conducted on the self-assessment inputs of companies. As a result of this streamlined workflow, we are able to help negotiate for a preferred pricing with our third-party assurance vendors, greatly reducing both the costs and time involved. The process can take up to 2 weeks, depending on the completeness of your supporting documents. Please contact us at [email protected].

Which standard is employed to calculate the scope and volume of carbon emissions? How are the emission factors derived?
The calculation methodology is developed in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol. Emission factors used are taken from the GHG Protocol framework.
Are we able to customize the platform’s questions, dashboards, and methodology according to our company’s requirements?

We are committed to continuously improving upon the platform and welcome any feedback that you may have to enhance the user-friendliness of the platform.


Contact us at [email protected] to explore further customization or deployment within the organisation utilizing this platform as a software-as-a-service.

Does ESGpedia’s data security system comply with the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA)?

Yes, ESGpedia is certified for industry-standard data management practices. We have obtained the following certifications:

ISO/IEC 27001:2013 is an international standard that provides a framework for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving an Information Security Management System (ISMS). The standard specifies requirements for managing risks to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information through policies, procedures, and controls. It emphasizes the importance of continual improvement and is applicable to all types of organisations. Implementing an ISMS based on the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 standard can help organisations protect sensitive information and reduce risks related to data breaches, cyber-attacks, and other security threats.​

ISO 22301:2019 is an international standard that provides a framework for developing, implementing, maintaining, and improving a Business Continuity Management System (BCMS). The standard specifies requirements for identifying and prioritizing critical business processes, developing, and implementing strategies to mitigate risks and ensure continuity, establishing communication plans, and conducting exercises and tests to evaluate the effectiveness of the BCMS. Implementing a BCMS based on the ISO 22301:2019 standard can help organisations demonstrate their commitment to ensuring the continuity of critical business processes, reducing the impact of disruptions, and enhancing their resilience to unexpected events.​

SOC 2 Type 2 Report is an attestation report that evaluates a service organisation’s controls related to security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy over a period of time, usually three to twelve months. It provides assurance to customers and stakeholders that the service organisation has effective controls in place to meet its commitments and protect its customers’ data. The report is based on the Trust Service Criteria established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and includes a description of the service organisation’s system, an assessment of the design and operating effectiveness of the controls, and an auditor’s opinion on the effectiveness of the controls.​

Data Protection Trustmark (DPTM) is a voluntary certification scheme in Singapore that recognises organisations that demonstrate responsible and accountable data protection practices. The certification is awarded to organisations that comply with the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) and its associated regulations and undergo an assessment by an accredited third-party assessment organisation. The assessment covers areas such as data protection policies and procedures, consent management, data access and correction requests, data retention and disposal, and incident management and breach notification processes. DPTM-certified organisations demonstrate that they have a robust data governance regime in place and DPTM also includes elements of both APEC CBPR and PRP.​

What are the guidelines or systems implemented on the platform to prevent greenwashing?
We work with companies to guide them on the language to be used in marketing collaterals in relation to the attainment of the ESBN Green Deal badges, so as to prevent misrepresentations or claims that could mislead users. Should there be any inconsistencies identified in the process, we will work with the companies to make the necessary rectifications accordingly.
Can the platform’s questions, dashboard and methodology be customized to our preferences? What kind of customization can be made? (e.g. tech support, embed drag & drop function, etc.)

We are committed to continuously improving the platform and welcome feedback to enhance the user-friendliness of the platform.

Should there be intentions to tap on this platform as a software-as-a-service for further customization or deployment within the organization, let’s chat at [email protected].

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