Empowering companies of varying ESG maturities with an end-to-end suite of sustainability solutions​. Join the 200,000 company profiles on our platform and showcase your commitment to sustainability towards a greener ASEAN.
Transport & Logistics
Built Environment
Carbon Credits
Raw Materials

ESBN Asia-Pacific Green
Deal Digital Assessment

ASEAN Single Accesspoint
for ESG Data (SAFE) Initiative

Singapore-Australia Go-Green Co-Innovation Programme

MAS’ Greenprint
ESG Registry

Featured On

Enabling Companies from Day 1 to Full Readiness

Up to 70% support for ESGpedia Premium
IMDA Advanced Digital Solutions (ADS) Scheme

ESG Reporting Portal

Streamline your entire ESG reporting process through simplified self-assessments with GHG emission calculation to full ESG reporting with international frameworks.

  • Understand your ESG requirements through pre-assessments
  • Kickstart via simplified core ESG Starter assessment
  • Get awarded the Green, Silver, or Gold ESBN Asia-Pacific Green Deal Badge in recognition of your sustainability efforts
  • Enjoy an automated calculation of your GHG emissions, with the embedded carbon calculator, in accordance with GHG Protocol and ISO14064 methodologies
  • Simplify your full ESG reporting process with international ESG Frameworks such as TCFD, GRI, SASB, and ISSB, digitalized into guided and localised digital assessments on a one-stop platform

Dashboard and Data Analytics

Gain multi-user access with greater control over your data and profile management for internal and external stakeholders.
  • Enjoy a one-stop, enhanced, shareable ESG profile for easier stakeholder management and reporting
  • Gain multi-user access and multi-asset reporting, supporting permissioned roles for collaboration between business units
  • Manage selective permissioning of confidential information through Data Vault
  • Autofill reporting via automapping of data points to frameworks, document data extraction, and API integration
  • Sectorial and Geographical Benchmarking
  • Regulatory Analysis Assessment Report


Take positive actions towards ESG excellence with our marketplace of integrated, actionable ESG strategies for businesses​.
  • ESG assurance/certification
  • Advisory
  • Innovations
  • Sustainability-linked/Green Financial Products
  • Offset emissions with carbon credits or RECs

Kickstart or complement your net zero journey today

Starter Tool

  • Pre-assessment for companies to understand their ESG requirements
  • Scope 1 and 2 GHG Calculator
  • ESBN Asia-Pacific Green Deal Program and Badges
  • Access to marketplace of integrated ESG solutions

All of ESGpedia Starter Tool, plus

  • Corporate Reporting Tool
    • Pre-assessment for companies to understand their ESG requirements
    • Simplified core ESG Starter assessment ​
    • ESBN Asia-Pacific Green Deal Program
    • ISSB, TCFD, SASB, GRI standard reporting

All of Essentials, plus

  • Holistic Scope 3 Calculator
  • Supplier Engagement Module
  • Dashboard and Data Analytics
  • Co-branded Landing Page
  • Systems integration for efficient data management
  • Multi-user access
  • Enhanced, shareable ESG profile
  • Data permissioning
  • Autofill reporting

*Tiered pricing available


Access robust, aggregated, and harmonised global ESG data to empower banks, investors, insurers, and corporates.