#STACS Featured on Business Time — The pillars of robust governance
THIS WEEK’S TOPIC: Is diversity of directors or their independence the bigger issue in corporate boardrooms?

Below is our Managing Director’s, Benjamin Soh, contribution to Views from the Top in the Business Times:
Companies depend on their directors to provide leadership, guidance and direction. In view of this, the independence of the directors is important in corporate boardrooms in the case of public-listed companies. They should not be an “old boys club” where the directors are merely endorsing what the management proposes.
The directors appointed should ensure that there is no mismanagement of the companies and to safeguard the interests of all shareholders. As an entrepreneur and the founder of Hashstacs, a Singapore fintech company providing enterprise blockchain solutions for financial institutions globally. I find that diversity in experience and expertise among directors to be most valuable.
The original article also appeared on: https://www.businesstimes.com.sg/views-from-the-top/the-pillars-of-robust-governance
STACS is a Singapore fintech development company focusing on the digital transformation of the financial industry. Today, our clients and partners such as stock exchanges, banks, asset management firms etc are using our proprietary Securities Trading Asset Clearing and Settlement (STACS) Blockchain for various use cases while working together with their ecosystem participants to enjoy efficiency savings in operations and to create new revenue streams.
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