Better sustainability monitoring of suppliers in end-to-end supply chain, facilitating supplier selection and transparency

Maxeon Solar Technologies

Maxeon Solar Technologies has commenced utilising data and digital tools on ESGpedia to monitor the sustainability performance of suppliers in Maxeon’s end-to-end supply chain.

A typical company’s supply chain accounts for majority of its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Progressively, companies are beginning to address ESG concerns to reduce the GHG emissions of their supply chain, while also improving labour conditions, efficiency and cost savings.

Maxeon Solar Technologies face challenges that hinder the implementation of sustainable supply chain programs due to a lack of overview and transparency of an ESG database for suppliers. The absence of a comparability tool makes evaluation of suppliers arduous and taxing.

ESGpedia bridges the disconnect between the ESG data and digital tools that companies need for effective supplier sustainability monitoring and decision-making, and what is available to them.

Through ESGpedia, Maxeon is now able to monitor its supply chain carbon footprint and potentially access new funding targeted for sustainable companies. Maxeon can also select suppliers based on their emissions, and monitor its suppliers ESG performance to ensure they are meeting Maxeon’s targets. With ESGpedia also enabling financiers and investors to make better green investment decisions, a positive ESG cycle is thus achieved.

Provides large corporates with greater monitoring on their supply chain, and thus, scope 3 emissions

Facilitates sustainable supply chain financing through greater transparency, enhancing suppliers access to financing

Maintains export competitiveness of ASEAN suppliers in foreign markets which mandates ESG credentials

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How does ESGpedia enhance Supplier
Sustainability Monitoring?

Corporates can search for its suppliers’ company profiles digitally, request key ESG and certification data points such as CDP scores and more, to ensure they are meeting their ESG targets and are aligned with the corporate’s sustainability commitments. Through the ‘Portfolio Monitoring’ module, corporates can also create an overview of all their suppliers in a single portfolio to better monitor them across various ESG credentials and third party metrics.

As a registry with a reliable record of sustainability certifications and verified ESG data across various sectors, ESGpedia provides corporates, financial institutions, and regulatory authorities a common point of access for holistic ESG data. This facilities better tracking and analysis of suppliers’ sustainability commitments, impact measurement, and quelling of greenwashing fears. As an aggregator of the most trusted data underpinning the financial sector’s ESG analyses, this also helps improve the management of ESG financial products, enhancing trust and potentially mobilising the necessary ESG capital for sustainable companies like Maxeon.

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